Well we finally did it, after 14 years of romance we got hitched. Sept 1, 2010 at 6:00 PM. I approached Ken Alper and his wife Jill Ramiel about possibly doing a wedding on the roof and to have Ken officiate the ceremony. We have known them for about 12 years and they were very excited to help us out. I got the paperwork in order for Ken to be ordained by the state for one day and then tried to figure out when it was going to happen. With the tourist season still is full swing, our schedules are a bit rough right now and time seemed to slip away with no opportunity in sight. So Ken and I talked, I told him when and then he took over. We had planned to just 'Get er dun' and sign some papers, but Ken was to have none of that. He really made it something special. He got flowers for Sarah and a boutinear for me. Also he called in some old friends, Stephanie and Scott, she was a chef at the Silverbow back when I worked there and her husband Scott worked with us over at the Prospector before that. Scott plays the bagpipes and so downtown was filled with the sounds of our wedding.

Jill and Ken's son was there also taking photos along with Rick, the original baker that showed them the ropes and help set them up. He offered to run my camera and get some shots, which is what you see, thanks Rick. Ken said a very nice intro, explaining the connections with us and them and the bakery and importance of marriage. Then Sarah and I exchanged vows that we had written to each other and rings (still the same ones we always had, new ones in near future).
For our witnesses two of our friends came to the rescue. For Sarah, her dearest friend Verity and for me, our good friend Brad, who just happened to be in town and always up for a reason to celebrate. ha ha ha.
I bought Sarah tiara just for the occasion, isn't she so cute!! The weather started off not so bad but by the end we were all drenched.
Then after we both said our vows, exchanged rings and enjoyed the invigorating effects of the deteriorating weather, Ken announced us man and wife and said I could kiss the bride.

The greatest hug and kiss of my life, feels so good to know that she is my wife now.
Then with another burst of bagpipes we all quickly headed inside to open champagne and take a few celebratory shots of Jameson! Ken then had some Italian food delivered and we sat around and chatted and enjoyed the evening.
Thank you too all who helped make this happen and sorry it took so long and happened so far away from our family and friends. We wish you could have all been there, but we did always want to be married in Alaska.